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We invite judges, lawyers, state attorneys and legal experts to apply to participate in the International seminar on May 21, 2024 in Poznan.

The seminar will be held as part of the RELEASE project - "Reducing the Excessive usage of pre-trial detention via harmonization & support to alternatives", which aims to support the judiciary in EU member states, especially in Eastern Europe, in the application of alternatives to pre-trial detention. The project also strives to establish a common approach and cooperation between competent authorities in this area.

During the seminar, participants will have the opportunity to continue the debate and discussions from the national workshops, exchange experiences with legal experts from other member states and expand their professional networks. The goal is to exchange good practices in order to improve the decision-making process.

You can apply at the following link: 

Detailed agenda:

Additional information about accommodation and covering travel expenses will be available to participants after confirmation of registration for the seminar.